Sunday, 17 January 2010

Functions of Hedgerow - Andrew Paine (SOR31)

Functions of Hedgerow - Andrew Paine (SOR31)

"Functions of Hedgerow... overgrown... structurally diverse... have been found to support large populations of breeding birds... providing song posts... nesting and feeding sites... functions of hedgerow... six hundred plant species... fifteen hundred insects... sixty-five species of birds and mammals... functions of hedgerow... food... medicine... shelter."

Sonic Oyster is delighted to announce a new album by Andrew Paine; the final part of a loosely structured trilogy which began with the release of Five Perspectives (On the Same Event) on Apollolaan Recordings, continued with Weekend World on the Bellshill label and concludes with Functions of Hedgerow on Sonic Oyster Records.

The cost of the CD is £5.00 plus postage & packaging and is released on the 25 January 2010 and can be pre-ordered now.

(In the UK, please add 50p towards p&p for one disc, £1 for 2 or more. Outside the UK, please add £1 towards p&p for one disc, £2 for 2 or more).

Paypal is preferred - the address is sonicoysterrecords (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk. This is also the address if you wish to make contact for any other reason or you can message me here.

'Functions of Hedgerow' is a strictly limited edition of 50.

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